Figurines : Sculpture 03/2013
Données techniques:
Matières premières: grès noir, grès blanc lisse, grès de Yixing (figurines)
Cuisson: -1ere cuisson à 500°C pendant 5h, refroidissement 24h (élimination d'eau de la terre)
- 2eme cuisson de 14 à 1210°C pendant 12h affilées, refroidissment 48h.
Certification: chaque figurine est signée avec le numéro de sculpture, le mois et l'année
Technical data:
Raw materials: fine black, white clay, Yixing brown clay (figurines)
Firing: 1st firing at 500°C during 5h to eliminate water from the clay.
2nd firing from 14 to 1210°C during 12h, cooling 48h.
Identification: Each figure bears my seal, with the sculpture number, month and year.
All rights reserved Jan.2013 website powered by Lotus Bonsai Studio
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Figurine-no-01-03-2013 Bonsai potier/Bonsai potter
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Clear transparent glazed/ Emaillé
Clear transparent glazed/ Emaillé
Clear transparent glazed/ Emaillé
Unglazed/ Non émaillé
Clear transparent glazed/ Emaillé
Clear transparent glazed/ Emaillé
Clear transparent glazed/ Emaillé
Clear transparent glazed/ Emaillé
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Figurine-no-03-03-2013 Bonsai potier/Bonsai potter